Blogging Life

what I learnt in my first month of blogging

Blogging isn’t something new to me. In fact I’ve been doing it in some form for well over a decade. However, this is the first time I’ve created and maintained a blog outside of the “rambling personal thoughts” category. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE rambling thoughts, and I do have plenty of them. ButContinue Reading “what I learnt in my first month of blogging”

Blogging Crafts Life Spring

April – goals and to do list for this month

April is one of my favourite months, not just because it’s my birthday on the 23rd, but also because it’s properly springtime. March is kinda the end of the winter chill fading into warmer weather, whereas April brings even longer days and hazier nights. Of course it’s also known for showers, but I can dealContinue Reading “April – goals and to do list for this month”

Life Spring

spring cleaning: my big to-do list for the new season

Spring is a time for renewal, and for a lot of people this means giving everything a good clean to make the home beautiful and organised for the coming year. I love spring cleaning, it really helps me get rid of not just physical clutter but mental clutter. I always feel a lot more preparedContinue Reading “spring cleaning: my big to-do list for the new season”