Autumn Blogging Blogtober

Blogtober Day 29: Instagram Round Up

I’ve never done one of these before, but I am trying to be more active on Instagram now so it’s actually a really good idea! In fact, I have enjoyed putting this together so much I think I’ll make it a regular thing. There are a bunch of other posts and Instagrammers I’ve been loving recently, so I guess I’ll have to do another round up with Blogtober is over. 

These are just a few of my faves from October:

I love this photo by Marie-Céline, she’s so good at showing off the beauty of our country, and this one is so wonderfully autumnal with the leaves of the tree framing the castle. 


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Tonbridge Castle looking splendid in the Autumn sun

A post shared by Marie Schofield (@mschoffy) on


The lovely Lavrax has recently overhauled her Insta and he food looks amazing! This post in particular struck a chord with me, because it’s so hard to keep going sometimes when a goal seems to far away. If you celebrate every step along the way you build yourself up so much more, and it makes the journey a bit easier!

Also huge congrats to Lavrax for getting a job, you go girl!

I am in love with the beautiful fall colours in this post by Paula, and the associated caption and blog post got me into a show on Netflix called Good Witch.


Related:  what I learnt in my first month of blogging

Well this post from My Lifelines is a cute pupper, so I don’t think I need to explain why I love it so much! There are other doggos on their feed too, go check it out!


Loving the autumn vibes from Geraldine! 


This year is the first time I’ve seen white pumpkins, and I totally love them! Loniesha‘s fall photos of the white pumpkins are my fave!


Related:  Blogtober Day 18: Fall Outfit Inspiration

Lastly, this of one of my recent posts. It was black cat day recently which as a cat lover and owner of a black cat is very close to my heart. I love this picture of my big boy, he’s just too cute!


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9 thoughts on “Blogtober Day 29: Instagram Round Up”

  1. You definitely picked some of my fav October Insta pics too!! Love the black cat!! And Marie’s castle pic!! And danggg that dog is a cutie!!(I’m not biased…)🐶💗

  2. Fantastic post, thank you so much for including me!! ❤️ I’m so happy that my post led you to Good Witch! I’m currently obsessed with it. 😉

  3. Love the round up!! Thank you for featuring my fall decor post 😊 that was a fave of mine! I love all of your posts as well✨

  4. I ADORE this post. You’re always putting up such amazing posts Katie I’m never not inspired after reading your blog!! Thank you so much for the feature, and I’m so happy you could show off all of our wonderful gang on this post x

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