warming three bean chilli recipe
Food Recipes This Month

warming three bean chilli recipe

Chilli is my go to food in the colder evenings. It’s the perfect way to warm up after a frozen cycle home from work, and it doesn’t take too much effort to make. You can potter about doing housework or other, more exciting, things while the chilli is simmering. Just don’t forget to stir it from time to time (I learnt that the hard way).

the spicy bean - three bean chilli recipe - www.itsthespicybean.com
My love of chilli started when I was a student, cooking low-cost meals that would feed me for days. Now I order my food online it’s even more convenient, because I can buy loads of tins at the start of the month and save them until the bank account is a bit more empty. Often I find that I’ve got tins of beans hiding in the pantry anyway. Tinned foods are awesome like that.

Not only will this recipe feed you many times, you can pair it with different things so you’re not eating the same food every day. Start with rice, then try it in wraps with lettuce, then eat with tortillas. Or have it over a jacket potato or with homemade potato wedges. There are probably loads of other ways to eat this chilli too, it’s so versatile!

the spicy bean - three bean chilli recipe - www.itsthespicybean.com
Over the years I’ve made chilli many ways. Sometimes it’s with veggie mince, sometimes five bean, sometimes it’s more sauce than substance. But I think I’ve found my favourite now. You can throw in some mushrooms or other veg with it too if you want, though I’ve been assured “chilli doesn’t include those things”. So for the recipe I’ve kept it simple. Old mushrooms do often find their way into mine though, much to everyone else’s disgust. I’m not one for wasting food.

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the spicy bean - three bean chilli recipe - www.itsthespicybean.com
So here it is, my favourite homemade chilli. One day I’ll taste authentic chilli in Mexico, but for now this will do nicely 🙂 

three bean chilli
Serves 4
A simple but delicious chilli - and it's vegan too!
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Prep Time
20 min
Cook Time
1 hr
Prep Time
20 min
Cook Time
1 hr
  1. Medium white onion, diced
  2. Bell pepper, diced
  3. Red chilli, finely chopped
  4. Garlic clove, crushed
  5. Tbsp olive oil
  6. 2 tbsp chilli powder
  7. Tbsp paprika
  8. 400g tin of kidney beans
  9. 400g tin of borlotti beans
  10. 400g tin of cannelini beans
  11. 325g tin of sweetcorn
  12. Tbsp tomato puree
  13. 400g tin chopped tomatoes
  14. 500ml stock
  1. Heat the oil in a large non stick saucepan over a medium heat. When it's hot, add the diced onion and pepper and fry until softened.
  2. Add the chilli and garlic and fry for about a minute. Then add your chilli and paprika and fry for a further minute. This helps release the flavours in the spices.
  3. Next, add the three tins of beans and the sweetcorn and stir until well mixed.
  4. Pour in the tinned tomatoes and tomato puree, then add 200ml of the stock, stirring as you go.
  5. Leave to simmer, checking for time to time and adding more stock if it starts looking dry or sticking to the pain. You can simmer it for as long as you want - the longer the simmer the more the flavours will develop. When I cook this chilli I usually leave it on the hob for about an hour, with a lid on for the first 40 minutes. At this point you could even transfer the chilli to a slow cooker and heat on low overnight.
  6. When you're ready to eat your chilli, simmer off the last of the stock for a nice thick sauce, then serve either with rice, over potato, or with tortilla chips.
Related:  vegan mince and onion pie recipe
the spicy bean http://www.itsthespicybean.com/
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the spicy bean - three bean chilli recipe - www.itsthespicybean.com

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7 thoughts on “warming three bean chilli recipe”

      1. Hahaha, absolutely! It works so well, and mushrooms are great at providing vitamin D. My logic is that chilli is winter food, and everyone needs extra vitamin D in winter so…..?? 😂

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