Ten Questions Tuesday
Blogging Life

Ten Questions Tuesday

I saw these questions first on Marie’s post, and it reminded me of back in the day when people used to do this type of thing on their Facebook or MySpace blogs. Answering these made me quite reminiscent and I loved it!

Marie has posted here answers here, head over and read hers too! I love reading other people’s answers to things like this, I’m so nosy! 

1. How do you stay focused?

I’m a big lists person, if I don’t have a list, I have no idea! For life goals I keep focused by having goals lists and targets, and having visual reminders up to keep me on track! I recently went three months without a takeaway, and to keep me focused on that I had three months printed and stuck on my wall right where I could see them.  Focusing on daily stuff relies on lists and great resolve. I need to do one thing at a time else it’s just a disaster.

2. Are you organised or do you live in chaos?

I try to be organised. When things are in chaos I get quite anxious, though when I was younger I needed things to be rigid else I’d freak out. It’s something I’ve had to teach myself to care less about. Life isn’t rigid, it’s fluid and it’s a damn sight less stressful if you allow yourself to go with the flow sometimes – within limits though! It’s good to have some kind of organisation otherwise nothing ever gets done. Especially with my memory!

3. Do you prefer photos or videos?

Photos for sure. I hate seeing myself anyway, and there’s so much less opportunity for terrible angles in photos. Even when it comes to looking at visuals I prefer photos, I’m rarely in a position to have the sound on for watching videos, and you have to actually concentrate!

Related:  Blogtober Day 11: A Spot in My City

4. What’s your planner style?

I use a bullet journal, though this year’s has run out of space so I’ve just squeezed in two monthly spread at the back to organise my life for the rest of the year. To be honest I feel a bit lost without it. My bullet journal is a way of clearing space in my brain so right now it’s filling up with various plans and lists and I have nowhere proper to put them!

5. Do you count your blessings?

Well I try to, but it’s not always easy. Unfortunately I’ve got quite a negative disposition so it’s very easy to see the worst in everything. This isn’t a great way to live, so I try to be more positive and catch myself when I’m being neggy. It’s important to take time to count your blessings. 

6. What goals will you accomplish by the end of 2018?

Oh crumbs there are so many that will go unaccomplished! But I will have done some stuff:

  • Started a degree with the OU
  • Visited Ireland, Portugal and Sweden
  • Grown my blog a bit
  • Improved at the guitar
  • Been a lot more sociable and seen much more of my friends
  • Got a tattoo

7. What do you do on a rainy day?

I love rainy days! They’re the perfect opportunity to stay indoors and do cosy indoor activities such as baking, blogging, and bathing! Summer was awesome this year but the hot, dry weather had me doing so much outdoors stuff that the dreariness of the autumn is quite welcome (aside from the effects of SAD). 

Related:  Blogtober Day 12: My Favourite Fall Quotes

8. Do you prefer a biro or fountain pen?

I am MAD about those four colour pens. In fact I collect them and have about a dozen of them lying on my desk. Fountain pens are cool but they’re a lot of effort. I loved them when I was a kid because they made me feel ~fancy. 

9. How do you keep a record of important dates?

Kind of in my bullet journal, but I still forget birthdays all the time so I need to up my game next year. I’m thinking of making a list of all the birthdays at the start of the year and buying all the cards in advance so I cannot forget to send them. 

10. Can you share some good news or a positive story you heard recently?

One of my vest friends got married recently, which as far as I’m concerned is one of the most wonderful stories ever <3

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8 thoughts on “Ten Questions Tuesday”

  1. This looks fun! This brings back all the good memories I had on Myspace. I actually wrote a post about why I miss the original Facebook. I might try this on my blog!


  2. Hi, ‘Spicy Bean’! This is a super sweet post and I loved reading it. Marie-Celine thought of some brilliant questions and you gave some equally fantastic answers.
    Your four colour pen collection is awesome and best of all, is the novelty four colour pen case to match! 😍
    Making lists and writing things down is so important to me too and I also relate to the helpfulness of visual goal tracking.
    Hope your week is going well.
    Hanna x | missbeautysaver

  3. Ahh I loved reading this Katie! I try to make a list too…and write down stuff even though I’ve already done them just so I feel extra accomplished LOL! I’d also love to visit Sweden! Such a dream ✨

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