my springtime bucket list

My Spring Bucket List: 1. Plant some seeds - food seeds and flower seeds 2. Go for a walk on the common and see nature coming back to life 3. Have a picnic 4. Take a train to the forest and go stomping in some mud 5. Clean the windows 6. Mow the lawn for the first time 7. Give the house a spring clean 8. Go for a day out at the farm and hold a chick 9. Do some yoga in the garden 10. Dry my washing out in the fresh air 11. Have a morning cup of tea outside 12. Feel the dewy grass between my toes 13. Organise the sheds better 14. Get a bee house 15. Tend to the herb garden 16. Feed the ducks 17. Do a scavenger hunt 18. Visit a nature centre 19. Donate some stuff to charity 20. Hide choccie eggs around the house for an easter egg hunt 21. Get a bird feeder 22. See a bird in the bird bath 23. Chill out under the stars 24. Get a chiminea and have a fire 25. Furnish the garden with lovely things

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