Ripley’s aquarium of Canada – when can I move in?
Adventures Canada

Ripley’s aquarium of Canada – when can I move in?

As an aquariumphile (making up new words is cool) I HAD to visit Ripley’s Aqaurium of Canada while in Toronto. How could I not? It’s supposed to be one of the best aquariums in the world and I LOVE various sea life. Besides, it was starting to rain to it seemed like a bit of a no-brainer. A nice indoor activity for what was hopefully the one day of bad weather for the trip.

The aquarium itself is super easy to get to. Since I got the train, I know where the train station is. From my hostel I just walked to the train station and kept going. Then there were signs, and then I was there. It’s also right next to the CN tower, so you just kinda head towards the tallest thing in the city and you’ll find it. For anyone who knows and likes sport, it’s also right opposite the Rogers Center, which I understand to be important for sport.

Luckily for me, it just started raining as I was approaching the aquarium, so I only got ever so slightly damp. I wanted to go up the CN tower too, but seeing as I couldn’t even see the top of it, it seemed a bit pointless. I could see the clouds from the from the ground, I didn’t particularly feel the need to spend money to see inside them as well.

Going inside

Anyway, the queue was long. Very long. And very full of children. The children were a surprise because it was a Thursday, but I realise now that July is prime school holiday time, second only to August. That was a bit of an oversight on my part, but I will say that it wasn’t *too* bad. The queue moved quickly because they have the option to either go to a person for your ticket, or you can use self service. There’s also the option to book online which means  you skip the queues a bit. At the end it seemed they kindaa got filtered in with everyone else anyway. I’m never in a rush really, so I didn’t mind waiting anyway.

The wait was definitely worth it. There are SO MANY FISH as soon as you get inside, it’s incredible. Waiting to get a good look at everything after excited children have barged in front of you several times is a bit of a pain. I’M EXCITED TOO, OKAY?! But I got there eventually. I feel bad if I don’t take a proper look at any of the fish, like they might feel disappointed or something. That’s a bit silly, I know, but so am I.

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My favourite parts

The aquarium is split into ten zones, and the best ones were inevitably Ray Bay and Planet Jellies. Anyone who knows anything about me will know that I am crazy for those majestic sea flap-flaps and the floaty stringy blob-blobs. However, Dangerous Lagoon  was a surprise favourite too. You go through a huge tunnel on a moving floor, so you get to see everything without having to battle crowds. There were sharks, rays, and loads of other fishies and I loved them ALL. I saw an information plaque for a sea turtle too, but I did not see him.

I almost lost my mind in Ray Bay. Them flap-flaps were HUGE. The biggest I’ve seen and I’ve sought out a lot of rays in my time. I love their silly faces when they swim up the sides of the tank. I love their flappy wings and their silly tails. They are my Absolute Fave. In fact, I cried when watching Blue Planet and there was a part where a manta ray unfurled his flap flaps to be cleaned by a little fishy. Of course, manta rays don’t fit in aquariums so I’ll have to settle for seeing them only on the TV.

There was no respite from the absolute losing of my mind, because Planet Jellies came right after. There were so many, and in various stages of the life cycle. The real cherry on the cake was the colour changing tank. A tank full of huge jellies, which are lit by a cycle of pinks and purples. Absolutely magical. Jellyfish are fantastic anyway, but even more so when they’re illuminated by colours, which they absorb and emit, giving the impression of colour changing themselves. I thought they were at first, but once the novelty subsided a little I realised I knew better than that.

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So, do I think you should visit?

Yes, yes, and yes! But only if you have at least some interest in sea life. It’s an aquarium, and it is very, very good at being that. If  you hate fish, stay away If you’re deathly afraid of sharks, maybe think twice. But if you are a normal, aquarium loving human being as you should be then absolutely visit if you’re in Toronto. I’ve seen this listed on sites under “things to avoid” or “things not to bother with”, but I don’t see why. Yes, there are aquariums in hundreds of other cities, but I have been to a few and actually, this one is the best so far. And that’s even taking into account how busy it was.

Definitely try to go at a less busy time, especially if you don’t like kids or crowds, or crowds of kids. I hate all those things and found it okay, but I think the desire to see the sea life was overriding every negative feeling that could possibly exist. If unlike me  you do have kids, they all seemed to be having a good time, and there’s a rad play area which should definitely be duplicated as a bigger version for adults. I did muscle in and touch a crab, which I think was mostly an activity for kids but whatever.

For $33 (about £20 at the time of writing) I got a good couple of hours of pure, fishy enjoyment. And I stayed dry despite being in probably one of the wettest buildings in the world.

100% worth a visit. In fact, I would move in if I could.

If you’ve visited Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada, or have any thoughts please share in the comments 🙂 

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