Food Spring

the perfect mother’s day lunch menu


mother's day menu

It’s mother’s day on Sunday, and this year I was organised enough to get my mum a card WEEKS in advance, rather than the morning before. The feeling of pride swiftly pushed any sense of urgency out of my brain, and here we are three days before deciding what to do for mother’s day lunch. My mum and my nan are coming to my house this year. Usually we do it at my mum’s or out someplace, but I actually have a nice house now. I am a Grown Up who can host family events at my abode.

However, this does mean actually PLANNING stuff. As a person I am always a bit extra when it comes to events. We have a full blown themed Eurovision party every year. I made an advent calendar for my housemates at Christmas. This will be no different. It would be lovely if it weren’t for the fact that I leave everything till the last minute. Always. I will never stop being this way. Maybe it’s time I embraced it. But the STRESS.

Anyway,  I am here to share my ideas for mother’s day lunch. I like cooking and baking, so I will definitely be making whatever it is I serve. Trouble is, my nan is healthy eating so whatever I choose has to be kinda healthy. I’m not eating chocolate so that’s out too. Salad is boring, so are sandwiches. I could just go to the shop and pick something up but I’d feel like a lazy bum if I did that. I feed off of praise for the things I bake! And obviously of course I feed on the actual things I bake too.

Related:  what I learnt when I gave up chocolate for lent

After much thought and trawling the internet for recipes, I have come up with a few light bits to put together for a small buffet. It’s only three of us, so I don’t want to do my usual of making enough to feed fifty people. I do have housemates though who I’m sure will be happy to hoover up any leftovers. Recipes will be posted once I’ve made it all.

 Mother’s day lunch menu:


 Baked potato skins

Vegetable tartlets

Fresh and cruncy salad


PIstachio Shortbread

Strawberry meringues


I’m planning to dress the table all nicely with place mats and daffodils.  Might even have the back doors open if it’s a nice day and let the spring breeze come in. Either way, I still have LOADS to do, so I had better go make a to do list and a shopping list and ALL the other kinds of list you can imagine.




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