Blogtober! Day 1 – Introduction
Autumn Blogging Blogtober

Blogtober! Day 1 – Introduction

Firstly, full disclosure: it’s actually the 2nd October as I’m writing this. I know, cheating on the first post, but I did actually do a non-Blogtober post on the 1st. The intention was to wrote both but I have a STINKING cold, so couldn’t quite find the brain capacity for that. I’m surprised I got the Bake Off post out at all to be honest. We will pretend it is actually day one haha.

So welcome to day one of Blogtober! For those of you who aren’t aware, Blogtober is a blogger challenge to post every day throughout the month of October. Some bloggers count any post, others go for a more autumnal theme. I’ve decided to go for an autumnal theme, following the 31 Prompts by Kelly. This does mean that I will be posting TWICE some days, as I’m doing Bake Along with Bake Off too. Apparently I’m not busy enough, or I just hate myself? Either way it should be fun!

Who is the spicy bean??

Day 1 is an introduction to who I am, so I guess I better spill the beans (haha). 

the spicy bean - a girl with a smile and red hair being blown around her face stands in front of the sea on the beach

My real name is Katie, and I am a born and bred Sotonian (that means I’m from Southampton in the UK). I am a multipotentialite – a word I only recently learnt after finding the blog Thoughts of a Multipotentialite and having to Google what that meant. Totally could have played that off as being a smart thing I knew, but it’s good to be honest, right?

To save you also having to Google it (if you don’t already know, shouldn’t assume everyone has the same vocabulary as me), it means you have many different and varied interests. Often multipotentialites will struggle to settle down into one main hobby or a specific career for long. We don’t have “one true calling”, rather a bunch of stuff that we think is just the bee’s knees. 

Related:  Blogtober Day 27: My Favourite Ways To Relax

At any one time I’ll have a whole load of stuff going on, and that can be stressful but also really interesting. 

If I had to choose a main passion it would have to be cats. I’ve loved cats my whole life, and successfully badgered my mother into getting a cat when I was six. I did my year four project on our cat, and since leaving home have had two more cats. I also ran the Great South Run for Cats Protection last year. That’s how much I love cats, I RAN to raise money for them. 

Aside from cats, because cats aren’t really an activity, I also like baking, yoga, travelling, trying to play guitar, and attempting to exercise. Oh, and cooking, yoga, reading, and blogging of course. Also dabble occasionally in drawing,  craft, and writing a novel. PLUS studying for an engineering degree with the OU. Yep, I always got a lot going on haha.

Trouble is I’m not amazing at any one of those things, I’m just a bit alright at all of them. Doesn’t matter though, they’re hobbies so they should be fun above all other things. Now you see why my blog content tends to be a bit all over the place!

I could write so much more, but I’ll leave it there for now. I’m sure there will be plenty more spicy facts throughout the rest of Blogtober (and many more cat pictures!)

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7 thoughts on “Blogtober! Day 1 – Introduction”

  1. It’s awesome youryo doing Blogtober! I was not ready for it so I’m skipping this time around. Your cat is beautiful and I love learning a little more about you!

  2. Great introduction – I can’t wait to follow along with your Blogtober!! 🙂
    I also have the “problem” of having so many varied hobbies – I often feel like a jack of all trades and a master of none.. but that’s ok! We just have more things to do and keep us happy!!

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