Blogtober Day 13: My Go-To Scents
When it comes to scents my taste is even less evolved than my use of makeup…. I’ve had only a few scents in my life that have really made an impression on me, and to be honest they’re pretty basic. I’m not one to appreciate an expensive perfume. Simple scents like vanilla or coconut are my faves.
At the moment I have two main scents:
My Day Scent – The Body Shop Coconut Body Spritz

I recently got this one in my Body Shop haul to replace a vanilla spritz that had just run out. Spritz are my favourite for day time because just a quick squirt in the morning and you’re ready to go. Usually mine gets sprayed when I’m on my way out of the door, I hardly think about it anymore! Purely a habit.
It feels good to leave the house smelling nice, and with spritz you can also top up throughout the day without being a bit…extra. Actual perfume doesn’t really fit my grunge-adult-spillover aesthetic. But just because I look a bit baggy sometimes doesn’t mean I don’t want to smell a bit good! Florals and fancy scents definitely wouldn’t work, which is why I stick to things like vanilla and coconut. Slightly sweet and not too fruity.
My Night Scent – The Body Shop Red Musk

This was a gift a few Christmases ago, and at first it was a bit out of my comfort zone, being Real Perfume and all. But I actually really like it, and I save it for special occasions when I want to feel pretty. Often when I go out I will use this, usually on nights when I’ve made a bit of an effort.
It’s a really nice smell, not floral so it still suits me. As far as perfumes go, I do like a bit of a musk and if I were to upgrade my day scent to an actual perfume, I’d probably go for a white musk smell.
Honorable Mentions – My Past Favourites
While we’re talking about scents, I really wanted to mention my favourite scent ever. It’s not so much the smell of it that makes it my favourite, but rather that I wore it a lot when I was in my mid to late teens, so the smell instantly transports me back to being young. I suppose I was probably wearing that scent during some of my favourite memories from thagt time. I still have a teeny tiny bit in the bottom of the bottle because I don’t think it exists anymore and I don’t want to never be able to smell it again.

It’s called “Be Kissable” and I think it was from Avon, but I’m not sure because it was a Christmas present. I definitely wouldn’t have bought myself a nice smell at that age. At the tie I think I was going into my emo phase, which is probably why I started wearing a nice smell – it was a partial transition out of being a smelly grunge teen. My mother was probably pleased.
Another one I have to mention is the nspa Vanilla Body Mist. You can generally pick this up from the supermarket, but it hasn’t been in stock in my local one for ages. At least it’s not there every time I think to look. Again, I think this is less about the scent and more about the memories. Smell seems to link very strongly to memories.
I wore this scent when I worked in Sustainability, which was basically my dream job at the time. I was part of a small, close knit team but also part of a huge and vibrant store team. Everything about that job was great, except the part where that job ceased to exist. Some of my fondest adult memories are from when I had that job, both work related and non-work related. The exact smell of the nspa Vanilla Body Mist takes me right back there.
Gosh I feel nostalgic! Now to make more memories to relate to my current scents!
I love perfume but I do prefer buying less expensive ones when I can. I have a nice one from M&S which is Red Fig. Nice for the winter. I also have Just Pink from Next which is lighter for the summer. It’s something else I could easily hoard though.
I’ve never had scents from the Body Shop before. I bet it smells amazing!
They do really good scents, there are some Christmas ones out at the moment too that are just amazing!
I still have to try Body Shop. I prefer mists body sprays over very strong perfumes. I’m not sure why though.