the sunshine blogger award part 2
Blogging Life

the sunshine blogger award part 2


If you’ve missed part 1 of the sunshine blogger award, you can take a look at it here.

My second nomination was from Lia from  That Girl with That Blog.  Take a look at her blog for an honest and interesting take on life. Her posts are always a delight to read 🙂

The rules:

  1. Thank blogger(s) who nominated you in the blog post and link back to their blog.
  2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

The Questions:

1. If you could only visit one other country ever again, where would it be and why?

Canada. I spent two weeks in Canada last year and it was fantastic. I started in Toronto and finished in Vancouver, stopping in Edmonton in between. The cities were lively and buzzing, and the wilderness was breathtaking. I’d like to go back, rent a car and explore indefinitely. Pretty sure I’d never get sick of it. You’ve got everything you could need – cities, beaches, mountains, wildlife. I don’t think I’d ever run out of new things to see.

2. What are you passionate about?

I’m probably supposed to put something like “blogging” or “feminism” or “art”. But on reflection I’m actually most passionate about cats. Cats are so good and pure. Remember that ancient meme with the lady that cries because she wants to hug all the cats? Well that’s what I’m like in the wild. I ran ten miles to raise money for cats, and I am by no means a runner. My main wish in life would be to keep all the cats on a big piece of land and look after them real good.

3. If you could invite 5 people (dead or alive) to a dinner party, who would it be?

Are cats people? Of course they are. I’d like Smudge, Biscuit, Maisey, Tiggy, and Frodo.

Related:  Blogtober Day 29: Instagram Round Up

Seriously though, this is a really hard question. But I think I’d really enjoy the company of Stephen Fry (obviously), David Attenborough, Brian Cox, Noel Fielding, and Carrie Fisher. I think that would make some really interesting and funny conversation. Might be out of my depth for some of it, but that’s okay.

4. Do you prefer dogs or cats?

LOL I think you know the answer to this one by now.

I do still love dogs, mind, but I SUPER DUPER love cats so they win this one.

5. What are you favourite things about blogging?

Writing stuff is pretty cool. It would suck if I didn’t like the writing part really, seeing as that’s a big part of it. I also like engaging with other bloggers, though I also find that to be one of the hardest parts too. My absolute favourite part is looking at my stats and seeing that sometimes people actually read my blog!

6. If you could have any skill, what would it be?

To learn new skills instantly. Then I could eventually have ALL the skills.

7. What was your first job?

Working in my dad’s pub giving people food. Like a waitress, only I was terrible at it so I don’t think I can really call myself a waitress. I would be MUCH better at it now, after years of being in the workforce. At the time I couldn’t even carry a plate in each hand because my wrists were too weedy. And I hadn’t yet mastered how to hide how much I don’t like people, and how much I really don’t care about their complaints. Years of retail made me an EXPERT.

8. If you could tell one person anything, what would it be?

Having already established that cats are people, I would tell Biscuit that I love him.

9. What is one thing you want to achieve?

To be a fit and healthy person. I was going to put “to reach my goal weight” but I realised that  while I am trying to lose weight, that’s not all it’s about. The main aim is to be fit and healthy, and being at my ideal weight is just a side effect of that.

Related:  Blogtober Day 21: Share Your Favourite Playlist

10. What is your favourite quality about yourself?

I learn things pretty quickly.

11. What is one film that you could watch over and over again?

Legally Blonde. I have watched it over and over again, and I will watch it over and over again in my future. It’s just so perfect. When I’m feeling sad it picks me up, when I’m bored it entertains me, when I’m happy it makes me happier.


I nominate:

Laura – Twenties Something Girl

Janelle – thenellybean

Maddie – Tiger Lily Diary 

Emma – the emma lifestyle

Laura – Directly Laura

Aleeha & Lucy – HALE

Kayleigh – Kayleigh Lisa

Becky – Uptown Oracle

Miriam – Simply Miriam

Katie – Katie’s Corner 


My Questions:

Why did you start blogging?

What’s the best book you’ve ever read? Why did you like it so much?

What do you do as your day job? Do you enjoy it?

If you had infinite money, what would you do?

Which brands would be your absolute dream to work with?

If you were a superhero what would be your superpower?

What’s your favourite thing about where you live?

How do you clear your head?

Do  you play any instruments? If not, which instruments would you love to learn?

What age do you feel right now and why?

If you could witness any event of the past, present, or future, what would it be?


I super look forward to reading everyone’s responses! Also, if you’ve already been nominated, don’t worry about answering again unless you’re really into answering questions!

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7 thoughts on “the sunshine blogger award part 2”

  1. Congratulations on the award. I love these types of awards where bloggers support other bloggers. It’s a great way to show positivity and meet other bloggers. Well done on the nomination and here is to many more xx

    1. thanks 🙂 I love them too, I think it’s such a great way to support each other, and also get to know each other. Plus I love answering questions about myself haha

  2. Well done on achieving this award! Go you!

    I would love to visit Canada one day. I’ve heard wonderful things and I always see such good views on Instagram. I love your insight into the whole ‘goal weight’ thoughts. You’re right – you carry on being fit and healthy. And more importantly, being you! 🙂

    1. Definitely visit Canada if you get the chance, it really is fantastic 🙂 It’s so easy to get bogged down in numbers when it comes to weight and body image, but for instance this week I gained a pound but I think it’s muscle from going to the gym. I feel a lot healthier than I did and that’s what matters!

      1. I used to get really down when I wasn’t losing weight (or I was putting a pound or two on). But then, like yourself, I realised that as long as we feel healthier and fitter, that’s what matters 🙂

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